Sparaxis villosa mutant

Mary Sue Ittner via pbs
Mon, 11 Apr 2022 08:47:47 PDT
Thanks to all of you who answered my questions about the Iris 
douglasiana appearing in 4s instead of 3s.

I also heard back from John Manning who described it as a mutant caused 
by a developmental glitch. I had sent him photos of a flower that had 
the coloring of Sparaxis villosa which flowered around the same time, 
but was really different in shape.  He wrote about it:
"The sparaxis looks like what is known among horticulturists as a 
peloric form of Sparaxis villosa. In such forms there is again a 
mutation or developmental glitch in which the zygomorphy fails and one 
gets actinomorphic forms." I thought it might be interesting to show 
photos of Sparaxis villosa flowering a few weeks before this mutant 
form. I wonder if there will be anything showing up in that spot in the 
garden next year and if so what it might look like. As Jane said in her 
response about the iris, usually when there are extra or less petals on 
my bulbs that doesn't repeat in subsequent years.

Mary Sue
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