Tritonia crocata vs. Tritonia deusta

Rimmer de Vries via pbs
Sat, 10 Apr 2021 15:30:39 PDT
Beside the descriptions in the wiki, can pollen color be used to distinguish between these two species? 

The first 3 wiki photo show T crocata with yellow pollen and the 4th photo shows it with purple pollen. I cannot tell the pollen color in Michael Maces photos. 

Tritonia deusta show plants with purple pollen.…

I am growing Tritonia crocata-Kirstenbosch seed received as bulbs from the SABG.  The batch resulted in a red version with yellow pollen and an orange version with purple pollen. 

Tritonia crocata- Kirstenbosch seed SABG. Orange form.  

Is the orange form Tritonia crocata or is it Tritonia deusta? 

The Tritonia deusta BX 446- MSI has slightly larger flowers with yellow pollen but the plants are overall shorter than the Kirstenbosch plants. 

Rimmer de Vries
Bowling Green, KY
Zone 6-8
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