Narcissus poeticus

Judy Glattstein via pbs
Fri, 23 Apr 2021 07:30:27 PDT
There was no garden here when we moved to New Jersey more than 20 years 
ago beyond a purple rhododendron and some other scruffy things. Nine 
acres. Not all garden (and what is garden has become too much to manage, 
20 years on), mostly wooded so a portion provides our firewood for the 
wood burning stove each winter.

That first season I planted somewhere around 8,000 bulbs. Many small 
ones such as scilla and also daffodils. There are deer you see, looking 
for the newest salad bar.

A good friend sent me Allium 'Purple Sensation' and daffodil bulbs, 
poeticus cultivars. The allium have mostly gone. But as you can see from 
yesterday's pictures the poeticus cultivars continue to thrive. Labels 
gone, cannot tell one from another. But I do enjoy their return every 
year. And send a virtual hug and thank you to my friend.

Judy in New Jersey

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