Sylvia Sykora via pbs
Fri, 30 Apr 2021 08:04:30 PDT

> The recent discussions and explanations have been enormously useful not only to new bulb growers but for those of us bumbling along for years never quite getting the dormancy seasons correctly managed.  Yesterday I spent a good hour among the seedling bulb pots, some seemingly - but not -  empty of life, others with small green spears, organizing and relocating.  This seems a good time to ask if someone can suggest why my January 2019 planted and locally sourced (SF Bay Area) small Sparaxis cormels have never bloomed.   The cormels remain in the pot where originally planted and continue to send up green spears each winter with the rains,  but these do not bloom and eventually -  as now - wither and go into dormancy.  Is it a question of bulb size or of culture?  The pot spends the summer outdoors in shade with occasional light applications of moisture.   The annually appearing growth means, at least, things remain alive.
> Many thanks for suggestions on how best to treat these bulbs.
> Sylvia Sykora in Oakland, CA (Sunset Zone 16)

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