Fw: BX and SX-473

Arnold Trachtenberg via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Fri, 02 Apr 2021 11:58:06 PDT
You can always search the forum archives for previous BX offerings. 

Sent from the all new AOL app for iOS

Begin forwarded message:

On Friday, March 19, 2021, 11:08 AM, Luminita Vollmer via pbs <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:

Dear all,
The first PBS exchange of 2021 is now open.
We have bulbs and seeds, listed in 2 sections - please be careful when
I want to thank all the donors for their contributions!

PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to this email, it will go to the listserv. Correct
e-mail address is

*pbslv.xchange@gmail.com <pbslv.xchange@gmail.com>*

Include the list of items you desire, your correct mailing address.
I will confirm receiving your e-mail at the close of this exchange.
The exchange is open Friday, Mar 19 noon - Monday, Mar 22 noon.

This exchange is only available to members of PBS - if you are not one, or
you are behind renewing - please do so prior to ordering.

Here is the list of offerings:

BX- 473

Ron Martinolich

1. Amorphophallus konjac

Mike Rummerfield

2. Albuca shawii

3. Ledebouria cooperi

4. Sinningia tubiflora

Rob Ferber

5. Bessera elegans, orange

Bob Lauf

6. Ledebouria socialis

7. Sauromatum venosum

8. Drimiopsis maculata

Mary Sue Ittner

9. Oxalis sp. (from Mexico)

10. Rhodohypoxis baurii var platypetala

Rimmer deVries

11. Pelargonium worcesterae ‘Port Elizabeth’

12. Pelargonium alchmiolloides ‘Ralf Hilman’

*Kathryn Petras*

13. Hesperantha coccineum ‘major’

Chad Cox

14. Hippeastrum aulicum - small bulbs

*James Waddick*


15. Anredera cordifolia

Luminita Vollmer

16. Zephyranthes  grandiflora

SX - 473

*Val Myrick *

1. Allium ‘Wayne Roderick’

2. Habranthus brachyandrus

3. Rodophiala bifida ‘Hill Country Red’

4. Scilla peruviana, mostly white

John Bartlett

5. Lilium formosanum

6. Lilium formosanum pricei (dwarf, the short form)

*Kathryn Petras*

7. Sisyrinchium californicum

Mary Sue Ittner

8. Nerine sarniensis, Seeds (sprouted/sprouting)

Gustavo Andres Pontieri (Argentina)

9. Habranthus correntinus, ex BX 327

*Leo Martin*

18. Albuca sp., yellow and green, April 2020

19. Hesperocallis undulata, Ford Dry Lake, April 2020

*Uli Urban*

20. Albuca fragrans

21. Anemone palmata wc

24. Hippeastrum papilio

25. Hippeastrum red, spec Hybrid

28. Iris xiphium wc

29. Lachenalia salteri

30. Lilium  'White Triumphator’

34. Scilla peruviana

36. Veltheimia bracteata

*Rimmer DeVries*

37. Barnardia japonica, mix of tall and short forms Oct 2020

38. Clivia hybrid Sahin yellow, parent grown from seed imported directly
from Sahin Mar 2, 2021

39. Haemantus albiflos, Mar 2021

40. Lilium distichum, taller plants 2-3’ with longer 2-3’ pedicels Nov 2020

41. Lilium speciosum album, op, Nov 2020

42. Lilium tsingtauense, short plants with short pedicels Nov 2020

43. Wurmbea stricta, ex BX Apr 2020

44. Zephyrantes citrina, ex BX Sept 2020

45. Zephyrantes dichromantha, ex BX Sept 2020

46. Zephyrantes jonesii, ex BX Aug 2020

47. Zephyrantes Katherine rubrum, ex BX Jun 2020

48. Zephyrantes macrosiphon, ex BX Oct 2020

49. Zephyrantes macrosiphon ‘John Fellers’, ex BX Sep 2020

50. Zephyrantes verecunda ‘Mexico’ ex BX Jun 2020

Rob Ferber

51. Bloomeria crocea, Golden star, wildcrafted

52. Chlorogalum pommeridianum, v. divaricatum

53. Dodecatheon clevelandii E. Greene

Robert Lauf

54. Ornithogalum longibracteatum ( small bulblets, live)
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