pbs Digest, Vol 50, Issue 13

Robert Parks via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Tue, 13 Apr 2021 12:12:17 PDT
Two places to start:

PBS website, so all that member stuff including BX/SX
Bottom line with the BX/SX is watch for the announcement, reply offlist
with your request list, wait to see what you got (a thankfully fairly quick
process, all hail Luminita!), then finding spots for all the goodies!

The Wiki, wow, days of exploring

As a relatively new member the knowledge and resources here are
spectacular, heck just watching the images go by would be worthwhile. The
generosity of members on unofficial exchanges is also impressive.

I'm kind of on the opposite end of the Mediterranean climate from you (San
Francisco), but I try to grow the same types of plants...but will the
summer be warm and dry enough? For the cloud forest plants, can I keep them
irrigated? For the subtropical/tropical geophyte aroids, will it be warm
enough that the leaves don't succumb to fog/wind/rot but don't forget the

A small Gladiolus equitans (Lachenalias in the background plus South
African daisies) and Amorphophallus konjac, just starting to unfurl (so the
stink is on its way).


On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 8:03 AM Tawny Cothran via pbs <
pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net> wrote:

> Hello Fred -
> I am a new member & this is my first time attempting to participate in the
> list serve. I would certainly be interested -I am in Southern California  &
> joined the group mainly in hopes of learning more about South African &
> Australian bulbs better suited to my drought prone climate.
> How does one submit that they would like something from the exchange? Is
> there a quick step guide someone might share with a newbie?
> Thank you in advance & very excited to learn more from you all,
> Best,
> Tawny
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