Daffodils Multiplies And Too Small To Flower

Judy Glattstein via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Thu, 22 Apr 2021 11:59:21 PDT
Val, I'm not about to count clusters of leaves. But going by what I had 
from the batch I dug yesterday I know there are multiple hundreds.  It 
would not surprise me if there were a thousand.

Taking advice from Jim Waddick I'll let them finish this growth cycle, 
dig when the leaves yellow and let dry. Shake off dried dirt and ship 
them off to Luminita. Certainly better than disposal in the compost 
heap. Luminita may scowl and mutter at what to do with multiple minute 
daffodil bulbs.

So everyone with a spare back corner or a row in the vegetable garden - 
prepare to place an order! There will be sufficient for generous packages.

Judy in New Jersey where last night's temperature was 1 degree on the 
high side of the freezing point. Now chilly and quite windy

On 4/22/2021 2:35 PM, Jack & Val Myrick via pbs wrote:
> I was thinking that the batch that you have left in the ground could be dug, sorted, and shipped to BX when dormant.  Many of the BX bulbs aren’t big enough to bloom the first year.
> Maybe I’m the only one who thinks this way.
> Val
> Sonora, CA

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