Paeonia daurica

Tony Avent via pbs
Tue, 27 Apr 2021 14:31:12 PDT
Paeonia daurica has also been a surprisingly superb performer here...wish I could share images.

Tony Avent
Juniper Level Botanic Garden<> and Plant Delights Nursery<>
Ph 919.772.4794/fx 919.772.4752
9241 Sauls Road, Raleigh, North Carolina  27603  USA
USDA Zone 7b/Winter 0-5 F/Summer 95-105F
"Preserving, Studying, Propagating, and Sharing the World's Flora"
Since 1988, Plant Delights Nursery is THE Source for unique, rare and native perennial plants.


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From: pbs <> On Behalf Of Jane McGary via pbs
Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 4:47 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Cc: Jane McGary <>
Subject: [pbs] Paeonia daurica

I hope that attaching a photo to a post is as easy as the FAQs imply. If
this worked, it shows a group of Paeonia daurica including P. daurica
ssp. daurica (dark pink, from Halda collections in the 1990s), P.
daurica ssp mlokosewitschii (light yellow flowers in laft background,
also a Halda collection), and their self-sown seedlings (cream flushed
pink), growing on sloping clay loam in the garden. The plant of P.
mlokosewitschii had similar cream-pink flowers in my former garden,
where the soil is higher in iron and potassium; when I relocated it to
my present garden, the flowers became yellow. P. daurica self-sows very
enthusiastically in this region. The big single flowers don't last as
long as double hybrids, but they are very showy in mid-spring, and the
foliage is decorative all summer. I don't generally send seed of these
to exchanges because other species grow near them (one can be seen in
the photo, the shorter plant in the background) and hybridization may occur.

Jane McGary, Portland, Oregon, USA

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