Embryo Rescue

Robert Lauf via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Thu, 01 Apr 2021 10:22:15 PDT
Mom is a big red generic "amaryllis" from the floral department at the grocery store, pollen from Nerine undulata.  This will encourage me to do more breeding along these lines.  For all I know, such hybrids are old hat to the veterans in the group, but it's new to me anyway.  At the very least it shows that Nerine pollen can grow far enough to reach the ovary on a big flower.

Back when I was a rocket scientist, I invented a lot of things only because I didn't know all the things the experts said wouldn't work.  It's amazing sometimes what you can stumble into when you're completely unencumbered by knowledge!


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