UK members

Uli via pbs
Thu, 01 Apr 2021 15:49:56 PDT
Hello Mark and Brian,

At present we have 26 fully paid UK members accoding to the last update 
to the directory I have.

I am not sure if I understood your question. We have tried very hard to 
include the UK members in the current bulb exchange but it is not 
possible. We could include the UK members in the seed exchange in 
February because there was a transiton period for seed only which ended 
yesterday. For bulbs and other plant material phytosanitary certificates 
are now compulsory and a customs declaration. Both ways. We cannot 
handle this as a small volunteer organisation and we doubt that the 
donating members in the UK would be able and/or willing to do so. Be 
assured that we very much regret to have to exclude the UK members from 
this BX, we keep looking for a solution for the future but there may be 

Sorry about this


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