: Mirabilis jalapa

bonaventure@optonline.net bonaventure@optonline.net
Mon, 15 Sep 2008 11:26:32 PDT
Hi Tsuh,
I have this in my garden on the west side of my house. The yellow "breaks" though the magenta in varying amounts on different branches of the plants. These were the ones that survived best over the years coming from carrot-like taproots every year.
Bonaventure Magrys
Cliffwood Beach, NJ on the Raritan Bay

i hope i did not ask this question before already.  here in NYC, i see tree pits where M. jalapa has been naturalized.  there are huge bushes of this plant.  the interesting thing is, some plants produce both yellow and pink/magenta flowers.  at first, i thought they were different plants, but actually they were from the same one.  has anyone seen this before?

tsuh yang

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