I hope those affected by the hurricane are doing OK. On Friday, motivated by a few nights down into the 70s F here in Phoenix (days are still around 100F), I opened some of the boxes of winter-growing bulbs for a peek at the ones I know always sprout first. They spend the summer in a closet indoors. My first Haemanthus barkerae was cracking the soil and what was just under the surface didn't look like leaves. It's a flower. I purchased the plant as a seedling from Dylan Hannon in 2003 when he spoke here to the Central Arizona Cactus and Succulent Society about his trip to Socotra. I know this plant should flower sooner than 6 or 7 years of age, but I didn't know how to take the best care of it for the first few years. If it survived my care then it must be one of the easier winter-growing Haemanthus. This is also borne out by the observation that I have more surviving seedlings of this by percentage than other species of Haemanthus. I didn't get to the Albuca spiralis in time. Two had white elongated flower stalks and emerging white leaves; one will not bloom this year, and the other one will. A pot I left outside under cover of frost cloth to protect it from summer rain looks normal and is also about to bloom. Maybe I can set some seed this year. And Albuca navicula is also sprouting. I know next to nothing about it other than it came from Steven Hammer. Two species of Babiana began emerging in the boxes: B. attenuata and B. curviscapa. Also Boophone haemanthoides seedlings in their 3rd growing season. Many Oxalis bulbs being stored in perlite in plastic bags are also sprouting. Time for a planting marathon. I watered all the bulb sprouters and put them under fluorescent lights until our days get just a little cooler. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA