One opinion >> Call your congressman today and let them know your concerns. Another > No. Snailmail. Pieces of paper can't be "forgotten" and the delete key > can't be pressed quite so easily. Mine It is possible for any citizen to obtain an appointment with their representatives. This is the best way to raise issues. They have lots of requests so it may take many weeks. A quicker way is to speak to their staff. US congressional representatives also have plenty of aides whose job is to help citizens in their relationships with the US. After all, these citizens (should) vote. During an election season they listen better. In the first place, every citizen should know who are their representatives. It is even better if your representative knows you. When they do something you like, write them a letter of congratulations. If you would vote for them, send them a campaign contribution, even if it is a small one. Even if you wouldn't vote for them, send them a campaign contribution. It is even more likely they will know you if you volunteer on their campaigns or bundle campaign contributions. In our representative government people and organizations are always trying to get the government to make them rich or advance their ideas. So the big organizations are always pressuring our representatives who make the laws or the bureaucrats who make the rules to apply the laws. Getting to know your representatives isn't slimy or distasteful; it's necessary. If you aren't at the table you are on the menu. Your representative(s) and senators are listed in every phone book. Call each office. Tell the receptionist the nature of the issue. The aides specialize in various types of issues. The receptionist will take your number and have the appropriate aide call you back. The more phone numbers you leave the better; if they have to leave a message, it may take you a while to get them on the phone again, but they will continue calling until they have talked to you. Have your presentation prepared on a piece of paper so you don't forget anything. The aide will call you back, usually within a week. Calmly explain the issue to the aide. Don't get angry; this is likely the first time they have ever heard of the issue, and they are likely to be sympathetic, since congresspeople don't like angry constituents, especially in September of election years. Now go out and try this. We have no snap with the bureaucrats; they are just waiting out their time to retirement, or their time until they leave their government job for a job with the Nature Conservancy. The revolving employment door between our US agencies making policy and the special interest groups (liberal and conservative, policy and business) is revolting and should be illegal. A bureaucrat may make a decision greatly influencing a non-profit or a business and later get offered a plum job at just the outfit they benefitted. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA