Shameless begging message for Lycoris

John T Lonsdale
Mon, 01 Sep 2008 11:28:03 PDT
I hope no-one is upset by my posting this to the list, but I'm at my wits
end.  The numerous postings, year after year, about the glory of Lycoris,
have left me desolate and disconsolate, and desperate.


If anyone has any (nothing too common) they would be interested in
exchanging for something I grow of interest to them, please email me off


Cyclamen graecum are just starting to move here, and it promises to be a
fabulous year, judging by the number of buds pushing through.  C.
intaminatum is also coming into flower.


Thanks in hope,




John T Lonsdale PhD
407 Edgewood Drive,
Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, USA

Home: 610 594 9232
Cell: 484 678 9856
Fax: 801 327 1266

Visit "Edgewood" - The Lonsdale Garden at  <>

USDA Zone 6b


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