Narcissus Fly: When is it safe?

Mark Smyth
Tue, 02 Sep 2008 10:28:46 PDT

Here in Northern Ireland the fly is out and about from late May for approximately four weeks. They reach a peak in my garden in mid June. The last one I saw was in early July. 

I know I cant kill many but I have a few fly swats around the garden so there is always one to hand. I also carry one in my back pocket while working in the garden.

There are a couple of myths about the fly. "They don't fly high" is rubbish.. I tried to kill one in my greenhouse this year that was inspecting my Nerine sarniensis. It managed to get out of the door and I clearly saw it head over the house. "They don't fly in shade" - oh yes they do. Last year I killed one that was inspecting troughs on the north side of the house.

One chemical that does work, if you can get it, is Dursban. Sprinkle some granules around the base of your bulbs. I have been told Provado may work. Hot water baths work also.

Have you considered you may have trapped a male and female under the screen that were in bulbs in 2007.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roy Herold" <>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Narcissus Fly: When is it safe?

> Well, I *almost* did everything right this time with regards to 
> narcissus fly control. However, as I was cleaning out the cold frame 
> this past weekend, I noticed a pot with a small sprekelia bulb that 
> looked a bit sad and yellowed. I tugged on the leaves, the bulb popped 
> out, and staring at me from the bottom was a big, fat narcissus fly grub.
> I recall putting the sprekelia pots into the screened cold frame a bit 
> late after they had been sitting outside for a while this spring, as I 
> really didn't think they were susceptible. Live and learn, and you other 
> sprekelia growers in narcissus fly country have now been warned...
> Fortunately, the big pot of sprekelia looks fine (fingers crossed).
> --Roy
> NW of Boston
> Completed the Labor Day ritual of watering all of the pots with winter 
> bulbs...
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