Narcissus Fly: When is it safe?

Roy Herold
Tue, 02 Sep 2008 09:50:46 PDT
Well, I *almost* did everything right this time with regards to 
narcissus fly control. However, as I was cleaning out the cold frame 
this past weekend, I noticed a pot with a small sprekelia bulb that 
looked a bit sad and yellowed. I tugged on the leaves, the bulb popped 
out, and staring at me from the bottom was a big, fat narcissus fly grub.

I recall putting the sprekelia pots into the screened cold frame a bit 
late after they had been sitting outside for a while this spring, as I 
really didn't think they were susceptible. Live and learn, and you other 
sprekelia growers in narcissus fly country have now been warned...

Fortunately, the big pot of sprekelia looks fine (fingers crossed).

NW of Boston
Completed the Labor Day ritual of watering all of the pots with winter 

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