I depotted the Kniphofia I grew from seed (from Rachel) and put them in the ground last spring. The K. uvaria and K. drepanophylla were the more floriferous of the group. This winter we only got down below 10°F once and below 15° only 2-3 times more. I bring this up only to say that I intentionally planted my Kniphofia to see how they would do, and I'm guessing, with those kind of lows they will all come up, but we will see. I wanted to make a note here that K. ensifolia (if labeled correctly) still has green leaves from the base to about 6-8" up. It did not bloom last season. All other species foliage is dead, as I would have assumed for all before going into this winter. Mr. Kelly M. Irvin 10850 Hodge Ln Gravette, AR 72736 USA 479-787-9958 USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6a/b mailto:kelly@irvincentral.com http://www.irvincentral.com/ Jim McKenney wrote: > Mary Sue, thanks for this latest batch of images. > > The photos of Kniphofia uvaria intrigue me...