
Sun, 17 Feb 2008 20:04:13 PST
I have found this to be a somewhat recalcitrant species in that it is slow
and never demonstrates real vigor. I grow two different clones. Have not
tried it outdoors yet but am growing it as a warm tropical subject in plenty
of shade. I can't recall having flowered it. Outdoor cultivation (Los
Angeles) might prove helpful.

A better plant in my experience, also in the Convallariaceae, that comes
from the same part of the world and recalls Tripladenia in overall aspect is
Schelhammera multiflora. It produces starry white flowers on a bushy plant
that has more vigor and is also rather slow. The new leaves are
bronze-tinted. Unfortunately I lost it some years ago.

I would exhort all members to keep an eye out for other plants in this
family that remain obscure but are very worthy of cultivation, such as
species of Tupistra, Gonioscypha and Peliosanthes. They are really not
geophytes but evergreen perennials.


On Feb 17, 2008 1:52 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Many thanks to all who contributed to answer my former questions... Here
> is another one...
> Loooking at the APG 2 web pages today to see the updates to the
> phylogenetic classification of Liliales, I noticed among the Colchicaceae
> the genus Triplandenia. None of the database I usualy use seems to know that
> genus (,
> Anybody as a clue about whoe are the author(s) of the genus and its
> content ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Luc
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