February 28, 2008 Greetings, Pacific Bulb Society member, Extra seed from the Pacific Bulb Society Bulb and Seed Exchange (BX) is available now for a reduced price. See the list which is attached. Seed that was harvested one year ago or less is priced at $1.00/pkt, and seed from the 2006 harvest is only $.50 / pkt. All of the seed has been stored in cool, dry conditions to preserve its viability. A small shipping and handling charge will be added on heavy or bulky orders. A bill will be included with your shipment. If you are interested in obtaining some of this seed, please email me at <mailto:dells@voicenet.com>dells@voicenet.com . Orders will be filled on a first come first served basis, and some supplies are limited. You may order up to three packets of any one variety. Please order by the numbers to the left of the species list. Please be sure to include your mailing address. Best wishes, Dell Dell Sherk, Director, PBS BX 2007 SEED, $1.00/PKT 1"Giant rain lily" 2Albuca nelsonii 3Albuca spiralis 4Alstroemeria, mixed 5Calochortus amabilis 6Calochortus plummerae 7Calochortus vestae 8Canna tuerckheimii 9Chasmanthe bicolor 10Clematis cv., dark purple 12Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus 13Cyrtanthus contractius 14Dahlia , mixed 15Dahlia 'Pooh' 16Ferraria crispa, mixed 17Fritillaria affinis 18Fritillaria biflora 19Gladiolus carneus 20Gladiolus grandiflorus 21Gladiolus huttonii 22Habranthus martinezi 23Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' 24Hemerocallis mixed hybs 25Lilium orientalis hybs 27Manfreda rubescens 28Mirabilis jalapa, pink or red 29Moraea huttonii 30Moraea ochroleuca 31Neopatersonia uitenhagensis 32Ornithogalum reverchoni 33Polyxena longituba 34Rhodophiala granatiflora 35Rudbeckia maxima 37Sinningia aghensis 38 Sparaxis grandiflora v grandiflora 39Tigridia pavonia, red 40Zephyranthes primulina 2006 SEED, $.50/PKT 141Allium flavum 142Alophia drummondii 143Anthericum sp. 144Arum purpureospathum 145Bulbine glauca? 146Calochortus mariposa, mixed 147Calydorea nuda 148Colchicum autumnale 149Cypella coelestis 150Ferraria crispa 151Freesia laxa 152Gladiolus geardii 153Herbertia amatorum 154Herbertia pulchella 155Iris aurea 156Iris foetidissima 157Lachenalia contaminata 158Lilium formosanum v. pricei 159Manfreda virginica 160Moraea polystachya 161Moraea spathulata 162Pancratium maritimum 163Paradisea lusitanica 164Romulea bulbicodium 165Romulea hirta 166Sisyrinchium macrocarpum 167Tricyrtis hirta 168Tulbaghia violacea 169Urginea maritima 170Veltheimia, mixed colors 171Watsonia coccinea