A Polar View

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com
Fri, 15 Feb 2008 12:50:30 PST
I don't know if it will provide any solace to those now buried in snow and
ice, but conditions here in Maryland in some years are the same. We have
periods where the daytime temperature does not get above freezing, and we
sometimes get snow on top of ice and vice versa. Recent years are spoiling
us: if things ever get back to the old normal, expect me to be singing a
sadder tune at this time of year. 

Jim Waddick mentioned the palm Rhapidophyllum hystrix. It grows well in the
garden here; in fact, it is the only palm which has bloomed here as a garden
plant. Because of its reputation for hardiness (it's widely regarded as the
hardiest palm for our area), it's often the first palm local gardeners who
want a palm plant. The consensus seems to be that it does better in light
shade than in full sun; plants in the sun often take on a yellowish cast. 

There is a huge specimen on the grounds of the National Arboretum in
Washington, D.C. which has been there for decades. 

Today temperatures are above fifty degrees again, and crocuses are open,
snowdrops are out, the first winter aconites have pushed through the leaves,
hellebores in general are starting to bloom, witch hazels are wonderful,
winter sweet is sweet, and in the cold frames things are popping. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 where mourning doves are
calling for the first time this year and titmice have changed over to their
spring calls. 
My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/
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