Yahoo and Latin

Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:32:43 PST
Does Yahoo suffer from backward thinking or just backward technology? Or

On Feb 11, 2008 11:15 AM, Diane Whitehead <> wrote:

> PBS uses Latin names, and Yahoo blushes.  Well, just North American
> Yahoo.  The Yahoos in Japan, Taiwan and the U.K. either didn't
> notice, or are more sophisticated.
> A message from PBS contained the Latin name of that giant aroid.
> Yahoo noticed that part of that name was a term for a body part.
> Rather a high-class term, but nevertheless, Yahoo in North America
> blocked its members from receiving PBS messages.  When our PBS server
> got all its messages to Yahoo bounced back, it set all those members
> to No Mail.  They can post, but they need to read list messages in
> our archives. (This is a kindly way of dealing with the problem, as
> another list I help with would just unsubscribe those members.)
> I now need to send this message personally to all those Yahoo
> members, as they won't be receiving this from the list.
> So, everybody.  Here's another word we mustn't use in our messages,
> to add to the others I have warned against in the past.  (in case you
> have forgotten:  the Latin name for 'black', as in Helleborus n-----,
> and the Latin name for Pine,  P---s)  From now on, we need to call it
> Amorphoph----s.
> <sigh>
>  From a not-very Victorian Victorian,
> Diane Whitehead
> Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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