Dan, It was Narcissus tazetta 'Paperwhite' Other names are Narcissus papyraceus or N. totus albus. At his very moment on the same flowerstalk there are fully formed fruit capsules of the flowers in November, Withered flowers from December- January and the last buds still opening at the moment. All together 4 months of flowering. This species is found wild all around the méditerranean. The israelis selected numerous cultivars out of the species, but their flowering habits are quite similar.I hope that is the information you are looking for. Greetings -- Lauw de Jager Bulb'Argence South of France (zone 9 (olive trees) emailto: dejager@bulbargence.com Site http://www.bulbargence.com/ Le 20/02/08 21:47, « Dan Tyson » <profloran@adelphia.net> a écrit : > Someone posted about a particular Narcissus cultivar several months > ago that was reputed to have a notably long bloom period and I think > held up well in warmer areas also. > Does anyone remember the name? > > It was an older cultivar.