Wish list ... hmmm Well, to start with, more space in the yard and an alpine house ... but I don't think Dell can fit them into one of those mailers it's such fun to receive. I'm actually planning to slow down on acquisition (yeah, right), to work with what I have so that I don't get accused of plant abuse. Lot's of repotting is really overdo. I also really need to increase my knowledge about soils, climate and geograpy, so it's out with the mysteries and in with the texts and the myriad plant books I've bought. However, few gardeners can constrain themselves to total new plant abstinence, and I'm not one. I've been lucky lately and gotten seed of several plants I've been looking for, such as Scoliopus hallii, and Tropaeolum azureum. I'd still like to find: Eucrosia mirabilis - I had my breath taken away by this plant this last Summer ('07). I just got new pictures loaded onto the WiKi. Scilla dimartinoi (Great pictures on the Wiki!) More of the larger Polygonatum species, such as P. zanianscianense. Species of Nomocharis besides N. aperta. Species of Daubenya, Massonia and Haemanthus that haven't yet been offered on the PBS Bx. Codonopsis species that are less common. Dierama renoldsii I echo Douglas Chadwick in wanting to try some others of the Erythronium from the midwest, ie. E. propullans and E. rostratum. I have E. mesochoreum (thanks Aaron) which seems to be doing well for me. I'd also like to learn to grow the European/Asian species; I have a black thumb so far with them, for some reason. I like the idea of a buying pool. I think chipping in before an order is placed is great, This could take the form of credit on the Bx account. That way, if nothing arrived that was desired, the money could be spent on later offerings, or let ride until the next buy. This would help increase the amount available for orders, a benefit to all members, and should even out over time so that all members are equally advantaged by the system. I especially wish that my plants will flourish so that I can share much more seed and knowledge with all of you! Dave Brastow Tumwater, WA -USA- Back to being zone 7A, after a week of nightly snow and freezing, daily rain. Yuch!!