With reference to Jim's comments, my garden IS full of kniphofias, and it has been for years. K. northiae, K. hirsuta, K. typhoides, K. bruceae, K. caulescens, K. linearifolia, K. ichopensis, K. typhoides, K. albescens, K. coddiana (rather surprisingly), K. triangularis, and probably a few others I'm forgeting are all in there, and some have been there for a long time. I find them quite irresistible. On my recent trip to South Africa, I added a couple of others to my wish list, notably the small and exquisitely-colored K. thodei we saw on Sentinel Peak (delicate tangerine buds opening to creamy-white flowers), and the very tall maroon-flowered variant of K. parviflora that we saw in another location. I had never before seen anything other than the small, straw-colored, completely aesthetically uninteresting form of this species. K. uvaria has both winter-rainfall and summer-rainfall forms, depending on where it's collected. I am under the impression that they can get somewhat "confused" under greenhouse conditions, though, with summer-rainfall strains putting up buds in fall. Or maybe I got the plants mixed up...? Could happen. Ellen Ellen Hornig Seneca Hill Perennials 3712 County Route 57 Oswego NY 13126 USA http://www.senecahillperennials.com/ Jim McKenney wrote: > > I wish I had room for a Kniphofia collection. There must be some problem > with Kniphofia here in eastern North America, because the plants are not > really common in our gardens, yet catalogs from the early twentieth > century > show long lists of cultivars. Whatever happened to these plants? You would > think that our gardens would be full of them by now. > > pbs mailing list > pbs@lists.ibiblio.org > http://www.pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/