Imports to USA from Scotland and other parts of the EU

Diane Whitehead
Wed, 06 Feb 2008 12:12:28 PST
The U.S. needs to know the origin of plants that I buy there before  
they will issue me a phyto to take them into Canada.  If I buy in  
Oregon and Washington, I need two phytos, one from each state.

I think it is even worse in the U.K.  I remember a London authority  
telling me that inspections needed to be done county by county.  I had  
bought plants at the Royal Horticultural Society garden at Wisley, but  
the inspector said there was no way to know where those plants had  
been grown, so they couldn't be given a phyto.  I gave all my plants  

			Diane Whitehead

On 6-Feb-08, at 11:56 AM, Lee Poulsen wrote:
> What are your feelings about having things from outside the UK sent to
> you (that the UK allows to be imported, such as from other EU  
> countries)
> and then sent from you to here with the phyto issued in the UK?

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