Luc: From Kubitzki " The Families and Genera of Vascular", Vol. III Flowering Plants Monocotyledons Tripladenia D. Don, Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 1: 46 (1839); Clifford and Conran, Fl. Australia 45; 416 (1987) "Erect herb with a knotty scaly rhizome. Leaves distichous, ovate-lanceolate, with half clasping cordate base. Flowers pedicellate, solitary or few together in axillary pedunculate cymes. Perianth pink or mauve; tepals discrete, basally with stalked nectariferous glands. Anthers extrorse. Style simple below, 3 branched above. Capsule loculicidal, pyriform-rounded, somewhat fleshy; seeds globose, strophiolate. 2n = 14. Only one species T. cunninghamii D. Don, confined to rain forest and wet sclerophyll forest of eastern Australia. ( Previously often confused with Schelhammera multiflora, q.v.) Arnold