October 2006 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun, 01 Oct 2006 07:41:46 PDT
Ending: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 17:23:33 PST
Messages: 296
- Manfreda virginica re-re-re-visited Dennis Kramb
- Tigridia ehrenbergii Dennis Kramb
- Weedkillers and Bulbs Joe Shaw
- Alophia/Tigridia Desktop Image Joe Shaw
- Weedkillers and Bulbs Jim McKenney
- More About Birds, Bulbs, and etc. Joe Shaw
- More About Birds, Bulbs, and etc. Jim McKenney
- Hummingbirds, off topic James Waddick
- Weedkillers and Bulbs chuck schwartz
- hummingbirds Don Hackenberry
- hummingbirds Terry Hernstrom
- hummingbirds Jim McKenney
- Alophia/Tigridia Desktop Image Jim McKenney
- Introduction David Ehrlich
- Introduction Jim McKenney
- hummers & color Terry Hernstrom
- seed imports AGAIN Richard
- hummers & color rdjenkins
- New Tigridia pictures added to the wiki Mary Sue Ittner
- loads of amaryllis... Billthebulbbaron@aol.com
- loads of amaryllis... Franklin Ruiz
- hummingbirds and red Max Withers
- Pots vs. In Ground Culture Linda Wallpe
- humming birds' color preferences Adam Fikso
- color preferences of birds and insects Adam Fikso
- hummingbirds and red Jim McKenney
- hummingbirds and red rdjenkins
- Butterflies Jim McKenney
- Asterostigma Mary Sue Ittner
- loads of amaryllis... Billthebulbbaron@aol.com
- Butterflies Jim McKenney
- Commercial messages to our list Mary Sue Ittner
- Lycoris pix and other bits: Crinum part. rdjenkins
- Lycoris pix and other bits Kathy Andersen
- Pots vs. In Ground Culture Alberto Castillo
- Pots vs. In Ground Culture Alberto Castillo
- Muscari Ton Wijnen
- FW: Muscaris Ton Wijnen
- Muscari longiflorum Adam Fikso
- Haem. sanguineus pics. Doug Westfall
- Haem. sanguineus pics. PameladAZ@aol.com
- Muscari tenuiflorum not longiflorum Adam Fikso
- Crinum 'Ellen Bousanquet' Leo A. Martin
- (no subject) Jim McKenney
- Muscari tenuiflorum not longiflorum jflintoff@aol.com
- Alstroemeria umbellata Adam Fikso
- Question about fire and bulbs Mary Gutierrez
- South African Biodiversity Research Institute Website Cameron McMaster
- Question about fire and bulbs Alberto Castillo
- Importing bulbs form Thailand. rdjenkins
- Question about fire and bulbs Bill Richardson
- Importing bulbs form Thailand. rdjenkins
- Importing bulbs form Thailand. rdjenkins
- Cryptostephanus haemanthoides Floral Architecture
- Lapeirousia Mary Sue Ittner
- Question about fire and bulbs Max Withers
- Question about fire and bulbs Jim Lykos
- Amaryllis paradisicola Jim Lykos
- Lapeirousia Leo A. Martin
- Amaryllis paradiasicola Floral Architecture
- More Crinum Photos Joe Shaw
- Fw: PIS mail services Richard
- Dangerous Topic: Taxonomy Joe Shaw
- Dangerous Topic: Taxonomy Jim McKenney
- Fritillaria striata Alexander Jeans
- Pic added to wiki Variegated leaf Veltheimia Doug Westfall
- Pic added to wiki Variegated leaf Veltheimia John Grimshaw
- Var. Velt. NOW added to the wiki Veltheimia pg. Doug Westfall
- Hi, I'm new. D. Christopher Rogers
- Cyrtanthus's seeds Julián Guariniello
- Hi, I'm new : Typhonium John Grimshaw
- Buried Treasures John Grimshaw
- Buried Treasures Alberto Grossi
- Buried Treasures Jim McKenney
- moving Sternbergia lutea Jim McKenney
- Lycoris radiata dormancy Jim McKenney
- Hi, I'm new. rdjenkins
- Typhonium John Grimshaw
- Buried Treasures exhibition Judy Glattstein
- Typhonium roxbughii. rdjenkins
- Typhonium Jim McKenney
- Pacific BX 128 Dell Sherk
- Spiranthes cernua "Chadd's Ford" Dennis Kramb
- Lapeirousia Leo A. Martin
- Mystery Amaryllid David Ehrlich
- mystery Amaryllid Don Hackenberry
- Buried Treasures catalog DaveKarn@aol.com
- Some new things flowering for me - wiki photos Lee Poulsen
- Buried Treasures catalog John Grimshaw
- Buried Treasures exhibition Theladygardens@aol.com
- Buried Treasures exhibition Theladygardens@aol.com
- FW: A. belladonnaseed sent to BX 128 Dell Sherk
- Attachments Mary Sue Ittner
- Whats in Flower At Dave David
- Fall Flowers Mary Sue Ittner
- Angela Offer, IMES scholarship 2006 Angela and Dean Offer
- Crocus speciosus cultivars totototo@telus.net
- Bessera elegans antennaria@aol.com
- Crocus speciosus cultivars Jim McKenney
- Crocus kotschyanus and mixed stocks of bulbs Jim McKenney
- Fwd: PIS mail services situation Lee Poulsen
- Fwd: PIS mail services situation Richard
- Angela Offer, IMES scholarship 2006 Jacinda and Barry
- [clivia] Angela Offer, IMES scholarship 2006 Angela and Dean Offer
- Crocus speciosus cultivars John Grimshaw
- Crocus kotschyanus John Grimshaw
- Autumn crocus in bloom now; was: Crocus kotschyanus Jim McKenney
- Crocus kotschyanus Jim McKenney
- Crocus speciosus cultivars jflintoff@aol.com
- Buried Treasures catalogues Judy Glattstein
- Crocus speciosus 'Aino' and Crocus kotschyanus Pacific Rim
- Hessea brevifolia piaba
- Lachenalia sargeantii Cameron McMaster
- Crocus banaticus cultivars - John Grimshaw
- Buried Treasures catalogues Alberto Grossi
- Lachenalia sargeantii Alberto Castillo
- Lachenalia sargeantii Alberto Castillo
- OOOOPS Alberto Castillo
- how many differences for a species? Diane Whitehead
- Red Blotch Anne Schepelern
- acuminate Crocus kotschyanus Jim McKenney
- how many differences for a species? Jim McKenney
- Red Blotch Jim McKenney
- A timely video Richard
- Red Blotch rdjenkins
- Repotting Repotted lachenalia Judy Glattstein
- Repotting Repotted lachenalia carlobal@netzero.net
- Repotting Repotted lachenalia Mark Mazer
- pbs Digest, Vol 45, Issue 28 taxonomies of various sorts and their politics (off/on topic?) Adam Fikso
- Ordering from G. Summerfield's Catalog Lee Poulsen
- Trying to reach Collector's Nursey CAMdon@aol.com
- Massonia - planting depth Leo A. Martin
- Trying to reach Collector's Nursey Glen Pace
- Trying to reach Collector's Nursey Susan B
- Trying to reach Collector's Nursey CAMdon@aol.com
- Roots Out the Drainage Holes Judy Glattstein
- Roots Out the Drainage Holes carlobal@netzero.net
- Roots Out the Drainage Holes Alberto Castillo
- Roots Out the Drainage Holes Jim McKenney
- Lachenalias (was roots out the drainage hole) carlobal@netzero.net
- Roots Out the Drainage Holes Mark Mazer
- Roots Out the Drainage Holes-should be viridiflora Mark Mazer
- Winter care for Crinums. rdjenkins
- Winter care for Crinums. Fred Biasella
- Lachenalia 'Franzee' Judy Glattstein
- Roots Out the Drainage Holes Jim McKenney
- Roots Out the Drainage Holes carlobal@netzero.net
- Roots Out the Drainage Holes David Ehrlich
- Crocus too early? Alexander Jeans
- Lachenalia John Grimshaw
- Red blotch: The Red part. rdjenkins
- plastic berry basket source Linda Wallpe
- Red blotch Joyce Miller
- Amaryllis belladonna sources... Kelly Irvin
- Red blotch chuck schwartz
- In and Out Blee811@aol.com
- Pacific BX 129 Dell Sherk
- Amaryllis belladonna sources... prallen
- Eustephia darwinii Diana Chapman
- More questions Diana Chapman
- Eustephia darwinii Diana Chapman
- Eustephia darwinii Alberto Grossi
- Fall rains Joe Shaw
- Eustephia darwinii Alberto Castillo
- Pinellia cordata Dell Sherk
- Pinellia cordata Alberto Castillo
- Pinellia cordata Jim McKenney
- Pinellia cordata Judy Glattstein
- pbs Digest, Vol 45, Issue 35 Adam Fikso
- Pinellia cordata Jim McKenney
- pbs Digest, Vol 45, Issue 35 Alberto Castillo
- Pinellia cordata John Grimshaw
- Pinellias Mark Mazer
- pbs Digest, Vol 45, Issue 35 Linda Wallpe
- Camassia cusickii question! Laura & Dave
- Eustephia Telos Rare Bulbs
- Eustephia D Anderson
- Cathy Craig has sent you a greeting card service@BirthdayAlarm.com
- Cathy Craig has sent you a greeting card service@BirthdayAlarm.com
- Pinellia cordata Roy Herold
- Tupistra grandistigma Alberto Grossi
- Tupistra grandistigma Alberto Grossi
- Strumaria Telos Rare Bulbs
- Tupistra grandistigma Jim McKenney
- pbs Digest, Vol 45, Issue 37 P. cordata 'Yamazaki' Adam Fikso
- Convallariaceae piaba
- Pinellia cordata John Grimshaw
- Cathy Craig has sent you a greeting card Bill Richardson
- Pinellia cordata Roy Herold
Last message date:Tue, 31 Oct 2006 17:23:33 PST
Archived on: Sat, 06 Jan 2024 10:37:48 PST