Roots Out the Drainage Holes

Jane McGary
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 15:35:20 PDT
Jim McK. you wrote:
>Jane McGary mentioned plastic mesh pots. The plastic mesh pots I've seen for
>sale are relatively expensive - the lowest price I've seen is about $2 per
>pot. That may be a fair price, but if you need several hundred...
>Does anyone know of a source for the plastic baskets which used to be used
>for strawberries?

Don't use the strawberry baskets. They become brittle and fall to pieces 
very quickly.

The best mesh pots are made by Finofil in the UK, and the prices range from 
about $1.40 for a 6-inch size up to about 3.50 for the 12-inch square, 
which is the biggest I use. I got a lot of them at a discount by ordering 
them pre-season through a local water garden supplier.

A cheaper option is hydroponic pots, but their mesh is too large to hold a 
suitable planting medium -- you would have to sink them in the ground or 
plunge sand first, then fill them with planting soil.

Jane Mcgary

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