Jim, Just to folow your comment (and the discussion of a few weeks ago) I have 3 forms of S. lingulata ssp. ciliolata. 1) Large pointed leaves flowering end of September 2) Large pointed leaves flowering mid October. 3) Small compressed plant with short rounded leaves, almost triangular (with very small hairy margins). This most attractive form is flowering now. It looks very much like Jane's form. It would be nice to put a name to these forms. But literature is very limited on this subject. I see that John Lonsdale also presented this issu 2 years ago: "My first in flower is a form from Tony Goode which flowers before the leaves form, the last is flowering now. There are also considerable differences between the leaves,both degree of glaucousness and also habit, from prostrate and succulent to upright." le 25/10/06 23:59, James Waddick à jwaddick@kc.rr.com a écrit : > IN: Scilla lingulata (is this still a 'Scilla') This looks > like a miniature Hyacinth or a good S. biflora. And the tiny heads of > rich blue flowers have a definite spicy scent. Is this hardy > outdoors? I am afraid it would get totally lost outside. Lauw de Jager http://www.bulbargence.com/ South of France (Climat méditerranéen; zone 8 Olivier) Latitude 34° N Altitude: 4m