Alophia/Tigridia Desktop Image

Jim McKenney
Mon, 02 Oct 2006 07:49:55 PDT
Now I'm more curious. What desk-top images do other plant enthusiasts have? 

My desk top wallpaper is a photo I did of a plate from a 1938 number of
Gartenschönheit. This plate reproduces a 1937 work by artist Esther Bartning
which illustrates about a dozen colchicums, mostly garden sorts. Bowles
cited this plate in his discussion of the garden-raised hybrids. The overall
color scheme and design remind me of a sofa we had when I was a kid.

Incidentally, the text to the plate and the plate itself don't agree in one
interesting aspect - and I've never seen this discrepancy mentioned

My screen saver is a slide show made up of selected images of plants in the
garden (a friend called them trophy plants). 

So what do others see when they pull away from the keyboard for awhile? 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where a colchicum I thought I
had lost popped into bloom yesterday.   

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