Typhonium roxburghii

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:11:05 PDT
Dear Christopher;
	I have grown it in a lot of situations, but it has always 
done best along the edges of large pots of tender Crinums such as 
Crinum procerum with burgundy or variegated foliage. Sort of a ground 
cover. These winter indoors with little water, frost free  and in low 
light, but summer in full sun with deluges of water frequently. In 
these conditions they have multiplied and bloom off and on all 
summer. They take our extreme heat, but not drought - in pots. I 
believe Plant Delights sells it and refers to it as a "Miniature 
Amorphophallus". It can be found there as T. divericatum I think.
	In the garden they do well in sun or shade, but when hit by 
our frequent dry spells they may go dormant. If it rains before it is 
too cold, they return and if it is too cold, they perish in winter. 
In the ground they are undemanding

	So they certainly take extremes. Even in my cool green house 
they go dormant in winter. I don't know where Woodland Ca is exactly, 
but if you have enough offsets, I'd try a few outdoors.

	In general, the genus Typhonium has around 40 species and is 
wide spread from S.E. Asia through Malasia and into the NE Coast of 
Australia. Recently the common Sauromatum, Voodoo Lily, etc has been 
transferred to the genus Typhonium a few years ago. An excellent 
technical reference is 'The Genera of Araceae' by Mayo et al.  The 
range of species is pretty interesting and I know of a couple 
Typhonium collectors in the US.

	Good luck and enjoy.		Jim W.

>Dear Jim (and all),
>Thanks for the info on my Typhonium. .. I have learned that
>T. roxburghii typically has a dry dormant phase. Is this required?

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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