Sorry to drag this out... John Grimshaw is undoubtedly correct that it is possible that P.c. 'Yamazaki' is synonymous with other forms in cultivation, including the Don Jacobs form. My memory isn't what it used to be, but I seem to recall the P.c. plant I saw at Don's nursery was on the scrawny side, perhaps from being in a pot sitting in his driveway. He may well have had more than one form, too. Yamazaki is variable with regards to culture, but when it's happy, it's stunning. I just discovered that my old Pinellia Page dating back to 1998 is still up on There are pictures of Yamazaki and other pinellias in case you are interested. I'm sure there is plenty of new material in circulation since it was written. <…> I'll try to pick out some 'originator's stock' bulbils/tubercles this weekend for the BX. Forgot that it might be too chilly in December to risk them in the post. One comment on Pinellia ternata-- I have never grown it in the ground, but I did try one tuber in a 4" pot. In one season it increased to 26 (yes, 26) tubers, not including the little ones that formed on the stems and leaves. Be very, very careful with this one. Pinellia pedatisecta has turned into a thug, too, due to its seeding habits. Its inflorescence is close to two feet tall and flops over when the seeds are ripe, starting a new colony some distance away. P. tripartita is almost as bad, but its dark-spathed form ('Atropurpurea') is much more reserved and is more welcome in the garden. --Roy