Lycoris pix and other bits

Kathy Andersen
Fri, 06 Oct 2006 14:22:29 PDT
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "James Waddick" <>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2006 12:03 PM
Subject: [pbs] Lycoris pix and other bits

> Dear All;
> With nameless help (they know who they are) a number of 
> recent pictures of various lycoris have been added to the wiki. Ylou 
> can go to
> The new pix are mostly those attributed to me or to J. L. 
> Murrain. These include:
> L. caldwellii
> L chinensis - a very orangey colored form
> Lycoris hybrids- second section following John Ingram's named cultivars
> notable - An orange - red L. chinensis hybrid
> The L chinensis x L. sprengeri possible hybrid with 
> an interesting 'dove-grey'/ blue tint. Very subdued.
> The possible L. sprengeri x longituba hybrid with 
> very tubular flowers.
> L. longituba- a form with a rich green throat and flat white petals.
> L. sprengeri- showing two very distinct color variants.
> With all the other contributions, there is a very good 
> reflection of colors and forms found in the genus. I hope you'll 
> enjoy the new pix and thanks for getting them posted.
> We watched the buds developing and showing on the fall Crocus 
> speciosus. In a typical fall, they will open wide and last 3 days or 
> more and follow with a second round a few days later.
> This year the buds opened in the midst of a freak period with 
> temps at 94 and 95 F. The flowers did not last 24 hours. And a second 
> round has yet to appear. We have not had a rain since then either. 
> Other fall crocus are beginning to show the tips of flower buds, but 
> they all seem to have stalled awaiting cooler temps and wetter 
> conditions.
> Earlier this year Joe Shaw brought up the topic of rebloom in 
> Crinum. I never see this and this year is no different, BUT
> I did not get bloom on 'Ellen Bousanquet' this spring, but it 
> is sort of on  the edge here - hardiness-wise. Just within the last 
> few days it sent up a puny stalk with only 4 buds and one is 
> deformed.  So still no rebloom, but a very late and struggling first 
> bloom very late in the season.
> All this keeps me wondering. Best Jim W.
> -- 
> Dr. James W. Waddick
> 8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
> Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
> Ph.    816-746-1949
> Zone 5 Record low -23F
> Summer 100F +
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