Lachenalias (was roots out the drainage hole)
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 06:02:00 PDT
Thus far I'm growing L. pusilla (from seed),  aloides var. quadricolor, rubida and pustulata. 'Rosabeth' and 'Rupert' are on the way from Brent and Becky. The latter two are the hybrids I was talking about in my previous post. 'Rosabeth' has what B&B describes as "coral red tubes rimmed in gold." The picture makes it look a very holiday worthy red with yellow and green rims. Descriptions on the web vary as to the nature of the red and yellow in the flower. 'Rupert' is a "soft lilac." These and others are part of the African Beauty Series as has been mentioned here. 
As for the colors....we'll just have to see how they bloom.

Carlo A. Balistrieri  (
The Gardens at Turtle Point
79 Turtle Point Road
Tuxedo Park, NY 10987
Zone 6  (845.351.2049)

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