Bulbs and Weedkillers Hi Gang, I have twice tried to remove a Crinum bulbispermum-type bulb without digging it out. It is a wonderfully hardy and fast-growing plant, but it has uninspired flowers. I sprayed it with a strong dose of glyphosate (RoundUp). The top died back and then promptly regrew. A second time I used an ax to cut off the top of the bulb a few inches below the soil line; then I applied glyphosate again, heavily. I sprayed to exposed bulb layers and then reapplied again a few hours later. After about 3 months the top foliage had regrown 100%. Marcelle Sheppard has accumulated a few weeds as she has been recovering from injuries over the past 18 months. On one visit this summer she showed me a "roundupped" (new word) bed of C. x powellii 'Album' All the weeds, some brambles, and all the bulb foliage were completed killed down to the ground. This past week Marcelle reported that the bulbs had fully recovered their foliage, looked better than ever, and the weeds remained in control (even the darn dewberries). Marcelle also reported she has used glyphosate in other emergency situations, where weeds had overcome her ability to get in and work with her plants. She doesn't recommend the practice, but does report her experiences as something that might interest others. In the cases where I have used glyphosate, or where Marcelle has used it, all of the plants have been large, with large bulbs (4 inches diameter or more), or at least very large clumps if smaller bulbs. Has anyone tried glyphosate around other bulbs? It might be that glyphosate will knock back flowering a year or two-not sure. Cordially, Joe Conroe, TX, another Amarcrinum opening bloom this week.