Winter care for Crinums.

Fred Biasella
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 08:45:20 PDT
Hi Robert,

I actually did exactly what you're planning to do in my
cold Cambridge (Boston) garden for the past 3 years and
my Crinum re-sprouted new leaves fron the exposed neck.
The first few leaves were kind of singed at the tips
from the winter but the ones that followed were
perfectly healthy and normal looking.

Warm Regards,
Fred Biasella
USDA Zone 6b  

On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 11:11:21 -0400, "rdjenkins" wrote:

> This year I am trying something new with my hardy
> Crinums. 
> They come back readily  each year here in 7b, but
> winter freezes take them down to soil level. It always
> seemed like a waste to have them start over from soil
> level each year, so this year I'm applying a deep
> of wood chips (8 or more inches) around them to see if
> the necks can make it through intact. As the winter
> progresses, I intend to top the beds with dried
> Has anyone else in the winter-feeze zones done
> like this?
> Robert.
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