Roger Whitlock wrote "Question: does anyone know the features that distinguish "Don Jacob's Form" from "Roy Herold's Form"? One seems to have slightly larger leaves and they don't emerge at exactly the same time in the spring, but surely there's some more obvious difference." Thanks for our comments, Roger. I had to laugh when I read the one quoted above. My first acquisition of Pinellia cordata - in a very handsomely marked Japanese form - was from a source who did not want to disclose their source at the time of sale. I didn't' get it from either Don Jacob or Roy Herold, so there's potentially a third name which might appear on labels in some gardens! Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7 where the crocuses biflorus in several forms, serotinus salzmannii, boryi, hermoneus, speciosus in several forms, goulimyi in several forms, nudiflorus and medius are all open in the sun today. My Virtual Maryland Garden Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin Webmaster Potomac Lily Society