Mystery Amaryllid

David Ehrlich
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 17:12:05 PDT
Dear members --

I have a pot labelled Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus, which produced a respctable umble of cuved red trumpets last year.  this year, however, the pot (I imagine this is a contaminant, and not the original Cyrtanthus, but though it's a contaminant, it's not to be despised) produced a uniflorous scape bearing a large (sub?)sessile regular funnel-shaped yellow blossom.  The flower closes every evening, and reopens in the morning.  I'm sure my Cyrtanthus is still in the pot, as there are two dissimilar leaf sets.  One leaf type is hollow, tubular, almost like an Allium, but with a grove along the upper surface.  The other is flat, with a midrib and two distinct faces.
  I am enclosing 2 hasty photos of the unknown amaryllid.  Can anyone identify it?

David Ehrlich

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