Amaryllis paradisicola

Lee Poulsen
Thu, 12 Oct 2006 22:55:37 PDT
Does anyone have this plant or seeds of this plant? Or know of any  
source of bulbs or seeds of this plant?
What about pictures of the flowers? How does it differ from A.  

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena, California, USA, USDA Zone 10a

On Oct 12, 2006, at 5:52 PM, Jim Lykos wrote:

> Hi
> There is a Amaryllis belladonna - (pure species) pale pink coloured  
> that multiplies rapidly and rarely flowers without fire.  I learnt  
> from a Spring back burning operation of bushland gully adjoining my  
> property a couple of years ago that the smoke does induce it to  
> flower quite heavily - but since then only 5 to 10% of mature bulbs  
> will flower under ordinary garden culture.
> A  new species Amaryllis paradisicola was described  by Snijman in  
> 1998 ( found in the Richtersveld in Namaqualand)  is regarded as  
> only flowering after bush fires.  It was collected in 1972 - and  
> didnt flower in cultivation until 1995! A long wait until they  
> worked out how to induce flowering.
> Jim Lykos
> Sydney Australia

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena, California, USA, USDA Zone 10a

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