Justin, Check here, and look at the details of H. sessilis, rigida, and wrightii. Those would be your likely candidates for the habitat. Aaron Floden --- On Tue, 12/8/09, Justin Smith <oothal@hotmail.com> wrote: Hi All, Just down the road from me is a small bog and I went this past week and took some pictures of various items. I saw some seed pods of a Hypoxis species. I harvested about 20 seed or so before I started to hurt and had to go. Yesterday I thought I would go down and try and get a few more seed for the BX but when I arrived mowers had mowed the bog and the bog was nothing but ruts from tractor tire tracks. Any ground that was not a rut was covered and 2 to 3 inches of mud that had been pushed up and fallen over from the tires. I ran my fingers through quite a lot of the churned up mud to find several of the hypoxis bulbs. I was wondering if anyone knew of a hypoxis species that grew in bogs. None of my Texas flower books have any Hypoxis but H. hirsuta and I would guess that this is not H. hirsuta. Justin Woodville, TX 8b/9a