Roger thank you very much indeed for this info on Bulb fly, Ian Young and his lady wife kindly sent me some references from the Scottish Rock Garden website as well so I hopefully now have this covered, always assuming my wee brain gets any kind of understanding and appreciation.. When it comes to the subject of bugs and beasties related to Lilium, especially with regards to North America I am on an even steeper curve than usual, and that's steep! Often even more confusion reigns, yes it is possible, when people use the common names as distinct from the Latin, the latter is fixed the former is a movable feast across and around the globe and leaves my two remaining grey cells in serious discomfort. Labels. Its a long shot admittedly but try Goggling the following LBS PLASTICS. Based in England, but I am not too proud, I buy from them a great company and what I have moved over to recently has met my needs, in spades. Essentially they have a range of black labels onto which I write with a white china ink. So far the labels seem to be less prone to brittle breakage owing to better UV instability. Perhaps some 10 years ago the ink in the black pens was and even today remains stable and legible but our lords and masters in the EU have directed that all member states must remove the chemical which makes them long lasting legibly because it seems children have been sniffing the ink and getting high; no don't ask! The other route I have taken also but with white labels has been to find a Japanese maker of black pens with a chisel point for use on freezer packaging that seems to still incorporate the chemical which remains fade proof. The black labels which I use now, mostly are about 6 inches in old money [c. 15 cms] but they also have some very good larger black bed labels. These can all be ordered in around 1,000 for the wee ones or less for the larger, they are very light and postage should not be a big problem, its a global village out there. One suggestion would be for me to post you a few of these to see how you get on with them / like them. Let me know and your postal address if interested. Regards from the frozen north at - 8 C and a steadily snowing evening, ideal now for Reindeer and sledges for the Man with The Bag. Iain -- I am using the free version of SPAMfighter. We are a community of 6 million users fighting spam. SPAMfighter has removed 130030 of my spam emails to date. Get the free SPAMfighter here: The Professional version does not have this message