I too had a collection of Hippeastrums in 1985, when we had a week of temperatures well below 20F, ending with freezing rain, and just to make things interesting, two layers of plastic on the dining room windows, because we were rebuilding that wall. All the plumbing froze, my bulbs (in the house) froze, and then during the ice storm, the power went out. A day and a half later, the thaw set in, but I still do not grow Hippeastrum. If it can't live outside, in pots or the ground, I don't grow it. Yet various comments on PBS the last couple of years made me reconsider this ban. I came close to considering spousicide [i know there is a more accurate word, but I'm not going looking for it now] on I-5 last week when mine suggested that the perfect place for a cold frame was a spot I've eyed for years, yet is full of precious old pipes and rotting lumber that he's got stored for some future project. Jane's and other's comments on cold frames have helped me figure out the right spot; I have the glazing material; now I'm waiting for a certain spouse to clear the site. And I do not want to think about what I might have lost this week because I don't yet have said cold frame in place. At least I did haul in pots of Scadoxus, Isemene, Moraea, so they can spend the winter, too warm, but not frozen. Some day my cold frame may come. . . Kathleen With overnight lows around 16F, and slowly warming, on the PNW coast.