cold weather miscellany

Leo A. Martin
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 18:12:11 PST
Bob Werra warned back on December 7

> Attention Californians and Arizonans,  Jane's arctic express is hitting
> us also. In my No. Calif. valley it hit 24F last night and 20F tonight.
> This will be the coldest since 1998 when we had an arctic express with
> temp. down to 18F.

We were lucky here in Phoenix. I'm in a cold spot but my lowest
temperature was 26F the first night then 29F the next. I had everything
covered or inside.

That 1998 blast was the worst since I moved to Arizona in 1983. I almost
lost a lemon tree; only the trunk survived. January 2007 was bad but not
so bad as 1998.

Leo Martin
Phoenix Arizona USA

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