Hi Jane: I think you will be surprised at what has survived. Bulbs in particular seem to be more resistant to this sort of occurrence (one of the reasons I've focused on them and not other groups of plants). I built a Dutch frame house onto the side of my parents home and was able to pull through an amazing number of plants without any supplemental heat (OK, so once I built a smudge pot in it - not recommended; it is amazing how the odor seeps through window and door frames). Regardless, please write up the results. This is the sort of information that is never published and yet of great value to the plant community. Don't give up just yet, I've had plants come back from apparent loss as late as mid-summer following the weather event. This fall, in the rush to get all of the non-hardy bulbs indoors before I departed on a trip I overlooked a pot of Lachenalia - and purposely left out a large Cymbidium in the hope it would finally get enough chilling to flower next spring. They were tucked up against the east side foundation of the house. Temperatures fell much lower than I anticipated (20 degrees F) on several nights and then got down to the upper twenties for the remainder of my absence. Rushed out a couple of nights ago upon my return and was amazed to find the Lachenalia new growth looking robust and the orchid apparently unfazed (jury is still out on whether or not I'll get any flowers). They have joined the others under grow lights in the basement. High temperatures later this week are forecast in the single digits. Boyce Tankersley Director of Living Plant Documentation Chicago Botanic Garden 1000 Lake Cook Road Glencoe, IL 60022 tel: 847-835-6841 fax: 847-835-1635 email: btankers@chicagobotanic.org