Dear Friends, I am glad to see the comments my post generated. As I mentioned earlier I grew a bunch of these years ago, but not recently. I was looking at more web pix and see that the majority of these have the Belamcanda form. I distinctly recall that there were some really beautiful pastel Iris-form seedlings too. I don't know the history of Norris's original crosses, but I wonder if these were straight Belamcanda x Pardanthopsis or some back crosses to either parent were involved too. His seedlings showed a much bigger range of colors than you'd have any right to expect. Iris dichotoma is always purple Iris domestica is usually orange, but a yellow form ('Hello Yellow') is also common and I recently saw a beautiful bright pink form. The old seedlings were all these colors, plus red, white, bicolors and in both forms. I should also mention that Darrell Probst of Garden Vision has hybridized these to produce a new range of hybrids with hundreds of flowers per stem. You can see some of these at and you can read more in their catalog at Some comments: Iris dichotoma usually opens its flowers in mid to late afternoon ( Jim McK mentioned one common name of 'Vesper iris for this habit) . They last a few hours and then fade, but there are a large number of flowers per plant (easily 75 to 100) so the stalk will show color for an extended bloom. New hybrids can have 5 times as many flowers. Iris domestica flowers stay open longer, but they too each last a day and are replaced by many others. Iris domestica (Belamcanda) has a wide distribution from India through China to Japan and beyond. It has naturalized in parts of Missouri and you can run across patches at old homesteads and in open woodlands. Plants seem long lived. Iris dichotoma has a much smaller natural range in NE China, to adjacent parts of Russia to N. Japan. It is a plant of open grasslands. I saw a vast expanse of this plant on a treeless plain of Inner Mongolia fully exposed to sun, snow and passing herds. It is very interesting to hear about the difficulties some people seem to have growing these species and hybrids or having long term success. Here both parents seem fairly easy and quick form seed. It is also disappointing to hear that 'muddy colors' seem to predominate in at least some sources today. I recall the bright jewel like tones of early seedlings. All just adding to the intrigue and the curiosity to grow more and know more. Thanks for all the input. Jim W. -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +