Zantedeschia odorata is a surprisingly difficult plant to grow with me. I got a rhizome years ago from a plant friend in England, lost it, got it again from him and had one, in words ONE single flower all these years. I do not remember any fragrance but I cross pollinated it in both ways with a very good form of Z. aethiopica (a from I got from Mr Holford in Cornwall) The seedlings are still there but most are lacking chorophyll and look strangely pale green to whitish-yellowish green but improve with age. No flowers as yet.... (with that kind of parent....) The Z.odorata tuber was planted in the open border of a frost free greenhouse this autumn, in barely moist soil (it is definetely not a swamp plant like Z.aethiopica) and off it took with leaves of a size I had never seen before as long as it was pot grown. So there is hope for flowers but it is too early in the season to know. Will keep yuo informed. I also saw it growing wild near Niewoudville in a flower reserve in deep fissures of rock the leaves at level with the flar rock surface and definetley well drained but probably never totally dry. Uli from Germany