Dear All, Botanically Amaryllis and Lycoris although both members of the Amaryllidaceae, they are not very close. The 2 most distinct morphological characters are that Lycoris has only 2 spathes beneath the flower head* and a curved floral/perianth tube, while Amaryllis has three or more spathes and a straight floral/perianth tube. Spathe here refers to the large bracts enclosing the entire developing flower head. I suppose it is possible that an aberrant Amaryllis might just have two. And in Amaryllis the perianth tube can be very short, but it is much longer (and curves) in most Lycoris. Less obvious of course is that Lycoris is strictly E. Asian versus Amaryllis from S. Africa. Lycoris consist of two major groups: those with spring foliage which are generally hardy in the north and don't do as well in the south ( e.g. L. squamigera), and a second group (subgenus) with foliage that emerges in fall and does better in the south and less hardy and/ or floriferous in the north (e.g. L. radiata). Both 'in general'. Amaryllis is basically cultivated like Hippeastrum and does not flourish in northern gardens. Neither performs well in pots. Both bloom on bare stems. The color range of Amaryllis (2 species) is far more restricted than that of Lycoris with over 20 species and numerous hybrids. Amaryllis usually prefers a dry summer (baking), whereas Lycoris does not want to dry out as completely and tolerates/prefers summer moisture. Once you are familiar with either, they look obviously distinct. Does this help? Best Jim W. * The spathes usually dry up at bloom… -- Dr. James W. Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd. Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711 USA Ph. 816-746-1949 Zone 5 Record low -23F Summer 100F +