I certainly can't match for either quality or quantity the handsome Christmas list posted by Antoine Hoog, but we do have some nice things happening here in Maryland, USA. For instance, Crocus longiflorus continues to bloom and provide delicious fragrance. Other crocuses in bloom include C. ochroleucus and the white-flowered form of Crocus cartwrightianus mentioned in several of my recent posts. Crocus hermoneus and C. goulimyi were in bloom until a few days ago. As mentioned in an earlier post, there has been no sign of bloom from any of several different accessions of Crocus laevigatus. All of these crocuses grow in a cold frame, but it's a cold frame which has been closed only rarely so far this season. There is also no activity on the snowdrop front here. The biggest pleasure here comes from a plant which, depending on where you garden, will be either something to be taken for granted or something so unlikely as to be hardly taken into consideration. But here in the suburbs north of Washington, D.C. most of us still regard it as a wonder and something to be cherished. I'm speaking of the Algerian iris, Iris unguicularis. Say what you might, but there is little in our local horticultural history to suggest that we are Algerian iris country. The plant is hardly known in this area as a garden plant. "Everyone" who has read British gardening books from the time Gertrude Jekyll told the story of the discovery of a white-flowered form a century ago to the present knows the plant and wants it. I tried it decades ago, and although the plants grew well, they never, not even once, succeeded in maturing a blossom. I gave up on it. Two years ago another local gardener who had a similar experience gave up on it, dug his plant and distributed the pieces to members of our local rock garden group. Although I was not the only person to take a piece, as far as I'm aware my plant is the only one which has dug in, made itself at home and bloomed freely. This year it has been in bloom constantly since some time in November. That such large flowers appear at this season continues to amaze me. When I checked it late this morning a new, fresh, large bloom had opened to greet me. This plant is not in one of my cold frames: it grows exposed to the open air, placed right against the wall of the house and with a southwest exposure. It must be beginner's luck, but whatever the reason it's making me very happy. Season's Greetings, Everyone! Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where wintersweet is swelling its buds and Camellia sasanqua continues to bloom. My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/ BLOG! http://mcwort.blogspot.com/ Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin http://www.pvcnargs.org/ Webmaster Potomac Lily Society http://www.potomaclilysociety.org/