Hi, Frost on the roof this morning and today was clear and cool. I surveyed the garden to see which bulbs were in bloom. Here's my report. There are a lot of Cyclamen coum pots with different leaves and flowers in bloom and at least one in the ground. Narcissus cantabricus has been in bloom for months and some were still blooming today. Narcissus romieuxii has been in bloom for about a week and one Narcissus fernandesii which is obviously confused. I still have Oxalis in bloom or mostly in bloom since it was a little cool for them to open fully: Oxalis purpurea, O. versicolor, several forms of O. luteola, O. glabra, O. convexula, the first O. obtusa, and O. namaquana, a lovely mass of bright yellow. Lachenalia viridiflora, bulbifera, and aloides v. quadricolor are blooming in the ground, in pots in my open on the sides shelter, and in raised beds. At least one group of Moraea polystachya is still in bloom and Hesperantha latifolia. I have two Romuleas blooming, a bulbocodium and R. discifera which is blooming for the first year for me. I cheated a little on it as I brought it into the house where it was warmer so it would open and was rewarded when we returned from a long walk to see the bright yellow flowers glowing. Massonia jasminiflora is blooming and Massonia depressa is blooming again this year. The leaves are even bigger this year so it looks like it next year I need to plant one to a pot. I've had various Polyxenas blooming (I'm still calling them this instead of Lachenalia) and there was a Polyxena ensifolia still in bloom today. There is a Delphinium that seeded itself in a Cyclamen pot that looks like a hybrid between D. nudicaule and D. luteum in bloom as well. In the greenhouse Cyrthathus mackenii is blooming (white, pink, light coral): Haemanthus deformis and H. paucifolius are still giving me pleasure, and a very large Canarina canariensis with its orange bells. Brunsvigia grandiflora is in the last stages outside, but everyone who has visited my house this holiday season has admired it. Like Jim McKenney I love Iris unguicularis, a gift from my friend Jana Ulmer. Mine is a lovely blue and for weeks it has been sending up flowers. Some days there have been quite a few. Happy Holidays everyone. Mary Sue