Ploidy and Fertility

Tim Harvey
Wed, 12 Dec 2007 12:11:28 PST
I don't think Amaryllis is monotypic, unless A. paradisicola been moved?
 T> From:> To:> Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 15:10:08 -0500> Subject: Re: [pbs] Ploidy and Fertility> > Jim, excuse me if this is totally an earth to Jim (Jim McK) experience. > > What do you mean when you write "In looking into publications transferring> species from Amaryllis to Hippeastrum, I have received a copy of one paper> of more interest"?> > Amaryllis is monotypic, isn't it? I know the word species can be either> singular or plural, but other than A. belladonna, what other species are> there to transfer? And surely no one is proposing to transfer A. belladonna> to Hippeastrum? (How't that for great logic? Surely...and then a question> mark). > 

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